Welcome to Tier One Firearms and Ammo Sales, LLC.
Specialists in customized accessories for rifles and pistols. We are waiting for our Federal Firearms License and will advertise guns and update the website as soon as that happens. We are currently selling Optics, Knives, Ammo and Accessories, as well as Safety Equipment, Targets, and even more.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do we sell firearms?
At this time we are not. We are awaiting our Federal Firearms License and cannot sell firearms before we get that finalized.
What products do you sell?
We offer a wide range of Optics, Parts kits, Grips & Stocks, Handguards, and more all from major manufacturers such as, Trijicon, Holosun, ATN, Geissele, Aero Precision, Strike Industries, Radian, Rise Armament, and more.
Do you sell ammo?
Yes, we sell most popular calibers from major brands.
Do you sell knives?
Yes we carry Kershaw, Spyderco, Case, Boker and more.